T-FLEX Registration
What is T-FLEX?
T-FLEX is a program to explore all of what RecSports has to offer while maximizing your wellness potential. This is the fourth edition of T-FLEX and the requirements are as follows:
Earn a TRECStraordinary T-FLEX hoodie by completing 5 total FLEXes. 3 Access/Event FLEXes & minimum of 2 up to 5 Program FLEXes.
Access/Event FLEXes (Complete any 3):
- Access the TRECS 15 times*
- Access the Student Aquatic Center 5 times*
- Access the Scout Locker 2 times* (located adjacent to the TRECS Outdoor Turf Fields)
- Access the Vol Wall 5 times*
- Attend Rec Day on Wednesday 2/19 from 12pm – 4pm
Program FLEXes (Complete minimum of 2 up to 5):
- Take 5 Group Fitness classes (Please be sure to register for each class)
- Attend 1 Outdoor Pursuits adventure trip or clinic
- Participate in 3 Intramural events/games
- Member of a Sport Club (must have signed release form & have paid club dues)
- Register for RecSports 5K Fun Run & Walk (registration starts on February 3, 2025 & the event takes place on May 3, 2025)
- #FlexYourFLEX – take a photo and tag us on Instagram (@utrecsports) while completing a group fitness class, adventure trip, clinic, or intramural event (screenshot your post and send it over Instagram DM with your NetID for our records)
*one swipe per day
When is T-FLEX?
T-FLEX begins January 21st (first day of Spring classes), and all FLEXes must be completed by March 14th (Friday before Spring Break). Our Outreach team will have a table in the TRECS Main Lobby on January 21st to kick-off the program. Registration may be completed any time before March 14th and all activity starting January 21st will be counted towards your FLEXes.
Who Can Participate in T-FLEX?
Participants must complete the T-FLEX Registration Form and be a current UTK student or have a current RecSports membership. All individuals who complete the challenge will be notified after Spring Break to pick up their prize.
How Do You Track Your FLEXes?
First, you will need to click the button below to request your unique RecSports Proxy ID.
RecSports Proxy ID Request Form
Once this request is received by our office, you will get notified of your Proxy ID. You will then click the button below and enter your Proxy ID (only need to enter this once). Once Proxy ID is entered, you will be able to see your participation data and T-FLEX progress. Note: T-FLEX progress will be updated on a weekly basis. Use phone for best format version of the 2025 T-FLEX Checker.
2025 T-FLEX CheckerWhat is the T-FLEX Prize?
Each person that explores RecSports and completes 5 FLEXes, 3 Access/Event FLEXes & minimum of 2 up to 5 Program FLEXes, will earn a RecSports TRECStraordinary hoodie. One hoodie per person, sizes will be first come first serve (Small – 3XL). Individuals will be notified after Spring Break to pick up their prize.
Have questions about this program? Contact Eric Harrell at eharrel6@utk.edu